Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Classes

Hello there! Hope you had a great weekend. I started off my weekend with a super fun Ladies Night lined zippered pouch class which lead me to offering a new class. Mother/ Daughter sewing, YEAH!!! I'm not going to go through how great it is for girls to work on a craft with their mom and how sad I am that I don't have a daughter to craft with.....or will I lol. My age recommendation is at least 7 years old up through teens. Since I design my class to be very low pressure and simplify many of the steps, it's just what families need to unwind. I'm starting off by offering the Zippered Pouch Class but will be posting other classes and am open to suggestions and requests.

Here's a pic from the last Ladies Night class. Due to the small size I was able to give the ladies instructions on how to use the machine and know that they left the class not only with a cute pouch but with more confidence around a sewing machine than they expected. 

Thanks for checking out the Blog!!! If you are interested in scheduling a class send me an inquiry on the Class Registration Page. Invite a friend and their child for a fun small group class.
Have a great week. 


More No Sew Doll Dresses

My Journey doll is back modeling her new clothes from our old clothes. Chavonne is modeling a sporty strapless top and a cute skirt. Both from my sons old long sleeve shirt. I used the top of the sleeve to make the shirt. You can see the image on the bottom right. In order to get the tie finish in the front just cut a slit down the front of the shirt, knot and tuck.
For the second dress, I used the other sleeve to make a tube dress. The shirt was created by cutting one of my old snagged shirts. I will admit that there is a stitch in the back but it is a very basic beginner stitch.. everything else has remained unfinished. The key to ensuring that this does not unravel is making sure that you cut below the current stitches.

I hope that I have inspired you to create something new from something old!!!
If you do create someting, don't forget to share.

Enjoy your day!


Getting Carded for Fathers Day

Hello there.
I recently had my Fathers Day kids class and it was amazing! Unfortunately I will not be posting the pics until next week, only because the dads haven't seen the cards yet. To come up with the class design, I first spent some time on my favorite app Pinterest of course. Once I found a basic idea that I liked, I visited the site and used the template from Stamp n Design, I adjusted the size of the template and sat with my good friend Jan from 2gurlzllc. to come up with my actual simplified class idea. I really enjoyed creating with her not only because she is really funny but because she is an experienced paper crafter and stamper, which is something that I am now getting into. My final card design is below along with a little something for Grandpa. The funny thing about the class is that some of the girls didn't seem to enjoy the class as much as usual. I did find out why.... they weren't allowed to use pink or anything related to pink lol. I definitely had to remind them that the card was for their Dad and not for themselves. Sounds simple, but when your usual go to is a shade of pink it is a bit difficult. The good news is once they saw the final product they were extremely proud and happy with their projects.  

Did you create something for Father's Day? I'd love to hear about it! Feel like creating a card similar to this one, visit the blog listed above and have some fun. 

If you are in my area don't forget to check out our upcoming adults class Class Schedule

Enjoy your day!
